Submissions Open for Issue 2.2: Abundance + A Special Announcement

It’s with grateful hearts that we open our submissions for our sixth issue, coming out this winter. Every other issue of the Unmooring is themed, and so our upcoming issue 2.2 will center around the theme of abundance.

In difficult moments, it can be hard to recognize abundance in our lives, and yet many of us have beautiful moments where we experience abundance—both tangible and intangible. If we abound in grace or in love, what does that look like? What does it mean to live in abundance? What is enough? What unexpected abundance have you found?

We are open to any artwork, liturgies, prayers or nonfiction written with a connection, however tangential, to this theme. Please submit through our Duotrope account, our current submission manager. We charge a small fee of $3 to help cover the costs of our website and software. If you need a fee waiver, please write us and we are more than happy to accomodate you.


We have an exciting announcement about our submission process. Starting now, we will keep submissions continuously open. Work submitted off of our current theme will be considered for our blog or future issues of The Unmooring. All work submitted for Issue 2.2, published online and in print, must be received by December 1, 2023. Please feel free to send a pitch if you are curious about whether your work is a fit.

Please note as an all-volunteer editorial staff, it will take us 4-5 weeks to review any submissions that come in. We appreciate your patience!

dark teal blue background with circles and lines and in cream letters: Abundance / The Unmooring